Belle Grove Plantation

Recently Nancy and I visited Belle Grove Plantation. We heard that Belle Grove was a great place to have afternoon tea. Even though it’s only a short drive from our house we had never been there before. We discovered that having tea is only one of the many reasons why a visit to Belle Grove Plantation is a wonderful way to spend an afternoon. Read on for our five top reasons why you should plan a trip to sightsee at Belle Grove.

Before we begin we should explain that there are two Belle Grove Plantations in Virginia! The one we visited is in King George, Virginia along the banks of the Rappahannock River about 20 miles from our home in Fredericksburg. The other is located near Middletown, Virginia in the Shenandoah Valley. It is also beautiful and historic. Someday our sightseeing will take us there for a visit.

Birthplace of James Madison

James Madison, the fourth President of the Unites States, was born on the grounds of Belle Grove Plantation in 1751. Belle Grove was his mother’s childhood home. She returned here from the Madison property near Orange, Virginia to give birth. Only the foundations of that house exist today and they are under the current plantation house.

Young James Madison only lived at Belle Grove for a short time. He then moved to and grew up at Mount Pleasant, the family plantation in the Virginia Piedmont. Montpelier, which became James Madison and his wife Dolly’s home, was constructed in the 1760’s.

Historic Plantation

Historic Belle Grove Plantation House.

The existing plantation home at Belle Grove was built in 1791. Like many homes of the time, after construction it had many changes and alterations made to it. The first change was an addition to the original (center portion) main house. Construction in the mid-1800’s added the side extensions and the partial additions above them on the second floor.

Despite passing through several owners, Belle Grove remained a working plantation. It is located next to the now vanished community of Port Conway. Connected by ferry, across the river was the town of Port Royal. Located next to these two transportation arteries, Belle Grove had the option of shipping crops by boat on the Rappahannock or by wagon to Richmond or points north.

Enslaved people were also an important part of the Belle Grove story. Information gathered on-site indicates that there may have been as many as 100 slaves on the plantation at one time. Some maps of the plantation show the location of the slave quarters. Efforts are being made to locate them. The outdoor (summer) kitchen is being restored and a tour that tells about the enslaved experience is offered.

The Civil War mostly passed by Belle Grove. There were engagements involving gunboats at Port Royal at various times during the war. Some action also took place during the battle of Fredericksburg. The Union soldiers in pursuit of John Wilkes Booth, who assassinated President Lincoln, stopped and spent the night on the grounds of Belle Grove.

Beautiful, Peaceful Scenery

Beautiful views of the Rappahannock River.

Belle Grove Plantation is located on the banks of Rappahannock River. The river was one of the top avenues for commerce during colonial times. Several plantations consisting of hundreds to thousands of acres lined the banks of the river.

Today many of those original plantations are still farmland or other open land. Some of the vistas are similar to, if not the same, as they were hundreds of years ago.

While outside there is the hum of traffic from nearby U.S. Highway 301 which are a bit louder when the traffic crosses the bridge that replaced the historic ferry. Otherwise natural sounds fill the air. Lucky visitors might hear or spot an osprey or a bald eagle.

Part of the grounds at Belle Grove Plantation.

We strolled the grounds and enjoyed the newly opened colonial garden. We also enjoyed views of the river and the flowers and plants that were in bloom during our visit. Several hundred acres of the original plantation are still planted in crops. This helps to maintain the rural look and feel of the site.

Bed and Breakfast

As part of our visit we took a tour of the house. Along with the history of the many owners of the property we also found out that Belle Grove is a functioning Bed and Breakfast.

One of the guest suites.

We had a chance to look inside each of the four guest suites. Each has a large bedroom with a sitting area and a gigantic bath. Antiques from the different time periods of the house furnish the bedrooms and common areas such as the dining room and living room.

The dining room.

The plantation also hosts weddings and events. This includes Civil War weekends and social and corporate events. Even though Belle Grove is in a secluded location it can also host workshops and corporate retreats.

Paranormal Activity

A post about Belle Grove cannot be considered complete without mentioning ghosts and the supernatural.

Are there ghosts at Belle Grove Plantation?

Belle Grove is well known for paranormal activities. We did not experience anything on our visit but our tour guide told us that she has seen things in the house that cannot be explained.

The SyFy Channel’s Ghost Hunters have investigated and local paranormal groups regularly give tours and hold events on the site. From Belle Grove’s website, “there is definitely something there”.

Afternoon Tea

Our main reason for visiting Belle Grove was to experience afternoon tea. We had heard from some friends and neighbors that it was very nice and fun to do.

On the day of our visit we sat outdoors on the back portico with a wonderful view of the river. The temperature was just right and while there were showers in the area they stayed away.

The tea was formal with a selection of three sandwiches, two scones and three desserts on offer. Once seated you make your selection of tea from the more than ten different varieties to choose from. For those who prefer or who can’t have caffeine there are some herbal, non-caffeinated versions available.

Afternoon tea.

While seated on the porch we found out that other guests were taking a tour of the mansion. However, we felt like we were the only people there that day. A light breeze kept the humidity away. The sunlight passing in and out of the clouds created patterns and shadows on the water, grounds and trees.

The sandwiches, scones and desserts were wonderful and we both enjoyed our teas and the chance to have a relaxing hour long break from the day.

Current Owners

During our visit we also had the chance to speak separately with Michelle and Brett. This couple searched for an historic mansion that they could transform into a lovely, historic bed and breakfast. They found their dream in Belle Grove Plantation and are the current innkeepers and operators of the property.

Spending many long hours working with the corporate owners of the property they transformed it into a bed and breakfast. They also compiled volumes of research about the plantation filling out the extensive history of the site. Along the way they found the furnishings to make everything just so and they opened in 2013.

While we had our tea Michelle took time to make sure that we enjoyed everything. We also talked a bit about why we decided to visit. During check out Brett also told us things about the house and their operation that we otherwise wouldn’t have known.

Sometimes there are places and areas that are near your home that you haven’t heard about or weren’t aware of. Many of these spots are perfect for an afternoon of sightseeing. Belle Grove Plantation is one of those.

We enjoyed having tea, visiting and exploring. We hope you will too. Happy sightseeing!

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Where was James Madison born?

James Madison, the 4th President of the United States was born at his mother’s childhood home – Belle Grove Plantation.

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