The dictionary defines sightseer very simply as “a person who goes sightseeing”.

All of us like to go places and see things. Some of those things may be historic attractions, striking natural beauty, recreational outlets, monuments and memorials. Cities, other countries and other sights too numerous to mention might also be on the list.

Many people equate sightseeing with big trips involving suitcases, flights and trains with itineraries and planning that would make a general smile and salute. It can be that. But it can also be going for a walk around your home town, or taking an afternoon drive in whatever direction the road takes you. Maybe an interesting town or shop will come into view. Perhaps some wildlife like a deer, bear or turkey will be waiting for you around the next bend. Or at a little pull out or sidewalk bench you’ll find the perfect place to sit and watch the world go by in a serenity often lacking from our day to day lives.

For some the journey is all about sampling the local food and beverage options. Or perhaps staying in what became a perfect accommodation that will be remembered for years. Often stumbling across a new shop or restaurant is so exciting that you grab a card or brochure. You wear that cart out contacting them again and again, long after you’ve returned home.

While some may enjoy a peaceful, relaxed form of sightseeing and discovery, others may enjoy and look forward to taking on and conquering a major attraction, park, city or other sight, traveling there with the intention of “doing” Disney World, or Yellowstone or New York. They launch a commando style attack on that particular location determined to check off as many things on their list as possible with the time available.

However you choose to do it, sightseeing is a passion that is something all of us can do and enjoy. On this site and in the posts that will follow you’ll find my thoughts on:

  • Sights in our home town
  • Places where the road takes us
  • Day trips and overnight stays to places in our area
  • Week long (or longer trips)
  • International travel

Join with me, my wife Nancy and our daughter Kimberly as we explore sights near and far. Happy Sightseeing!

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